Saturday, December 17, 2011

Delmonico's Orlando

This review's coming to you before my leftovers are even cold! (well, not quite, but you get the point I think.)

When you visit Delmonico' will always have food to take home, unless you have an extra stomach or something.  I actually really enjoy Delmonico's.  The food's pretty good, the atmosphere is great, and the servers have all been very knowledgeable and kind. 

Charles and I attended this afternoon (before the sun ran away - stinkin' Winter...).  For some reason, every time I go there, I get seated in their "wanna-be italian" room.  Not sure if they're trying to tell me something.  The AC was really high, and it was seriously freezing in there, but once you adjust to the temperature...not half bad.  I'm a Northerner at heart, so I endure colder temps better than most "Floridians" (How many of us are imports? Come honest.  Someone reading this is gonna be from Jersey, I just KNOW it!).  Charles was chilly throughout our meal...poor guy.  The decor was lovely.  They had everything done up for the holidays.  There were even ornaments hung from the chandeliers.  It was very festive, and I totally appreciate dedication to decoration!

But now, for the most important stuff: FOOD and SERVICE!:

Our server was very friendly, smiled often, and always had us covered with fresh drinks.  She also didn't complain about how hard her job is...which has been a sad trend in my recent dining experiences.  She seemed very excited to be done with Finals though.  I don't miss that part of college one bit.  She was also generous with the cheese for my meal, which I was happy about it, cause I am a lover of cheese!

Complimentary Bread - FREE
The bread they bring to the table pre-meal is pretty darn good, and I love their herb-infused butter.  It's got your usual "italian herb blend' mixed in it, but that's fine with me.  I don't consider myself a connoisseur of Italian cuisine, just a consumer, and I think this butter is pretty dynamite.  Little bit on the bread, dipped in a little olive oil and balsamic vinegar (and anyone who's read my previous posts knows how much I love balsamic vinegar) is a beautiful thing.  Enjoy it, it's complimentary! <3

Next is my favorite thing to order pretty much anywhere it is an option: Tomato and Mozzarella salad.  After the debacle at BJ's Brewhouse with the micro portions, this is on the complete opposite side of the scale.  It's a hefty portion, peeps, and I love it!

Roma Tomato and Mozzarella Salad - $6.99
I didn't eat the onions (onions are very hit or miss with me from day to day - not a raw onions eatin' sort of gal), but the rest was devoured quite quickly, leaving my tummy happy.  It's dressed with their balsamic vinaigrette.  I wish it had been a simple balsamic reduction, but I guess the general populous might enjoy their dressing with a little less..oomph.  This dish was delectable though, and I will continue to order this EVERY time I come here.
Veal Parmigiana - $19.99
Charles ordered the Veal Parmigiana - his staple for our visits here.  It was just as tasty as usual (he gave me a bite! :D), but the portion of veal was a little less than usual, but still plenty for the price, served atop angel hair pasta.  He cleared his plate, so I'd say - as far as I can tell - it's a winner.

Portabella Mushroom Parmigiana - $7.99

My entree was actually an appetizer: Portabella Mushroom Parmigiana.  These are breaded and covered in provolone cheese, and REALLY good.  The breading on this batch was a wee bit overdone, but it was still quite tasty.  Needed my handy Ginsu knife to cut through the mushrooms.  Can't split this thing with a fork, believe me, I've tried!  Very filling.  Each one was at least 4 inches across.

All in all, it was a lovely meal.  Got a cannoli for the road. It was good...creamy and not too sweet, but I think I took too long to eat it because the shell lost it's crunch.  I've had this before at its' freshest, and it's really good!  I love the chocolate drizzle over it, and the chips it's dipped in.

So go give Delmonico's a try!  You won't regret it!

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